Bitumen & Asphalt
Being in service to others is what brings true happiness.
In road pavement, Hot Mix Asphalt is formed by mixing mineral aggregate and liquid asphalt binder (bitumen, or asphalt cement) in specific proportions at high temperatures, placed on a prime coating layer. It eventually is compacted and cooled to for the asphalt pavement we know. Cold Mix Asphalt follows the same path with a different type of binder and at ambient temperatures.
Green Dream provides both Hot Mixed and Cold Mix Asphalt, delivered to the construction site or at the asphalt plant. We also provide various grades of asphalt cement (almost pure bitumen) derived from petroleum as the best performing binder in asphalt pavement. The grading is performed according to PG system, taking into account the physical conditions that the binder is applier.

We take pride in delivering quality on-time.
The mixtures can be varied to suit different applications, e.g. roadway, parking area, playground, airport runway, etc. Asphalt is also highly recyclable. Nearly 60 million tons of asphalt is recycled each year in the US alone. Milling, where the pavement is removed and ground up to be used as the aggregate in new pavement is one of the most widely used for pavement recycling method today.
The recycled asphalt is used as both fill material and, in case of asphalt cement, is reactivated to become an integral part of the new pavement. This is widely used for pavement recycling method today. The recycled asphalt is used as both fill material and, in case of asphalt cement, is reactivated to become an integral part of the new pavement.